Create ∞ product variants to match all your product options

Trusted by 10 000+ Shopify merchants worldwide.
Free plan available. 14-day free trial.


Merchants frequently ask

How can I overcome the 100 variants limit/create more than 100 variants?

With the app, you can create an unlimited number of custom options.
However, the app doesn’t extend/modify native Shopify’s approach of creating variants. It has its own admin UI where you are supposed to create Option Sets (predefined templates with options) and assign them to products from your catalog.
One set can contain an unlimited number of options and can be assigned to an unlimited number of products at the same time.

What themes does the app support?

The app supports most themes available at Shopify Theme Store. However, we cannot guarantee compatibility with custom themes developed by third-party providers or highly customized ones.

Can I use the app on the pages generated by page builder apps (PageFly, GemPages, etc.)

Unfortunately, the app isn’t integrated with external page builders. However, custom manual installation is possible.

Can I use both Shopify product variants and custom options created with the app?

Yes, you can use Shopify product variants and our options for the same products simultaneously.

Can I use custom options for Draft orders/POS

The app supports the Online Store sales channel only